Start of my early  Amateur Radio "HAM" career in 1951 as W8GHR in Akron, Ohio.

Equipment- First - WWII Military Surplus Equipment. Later - Globe King Transmitter, Hallicrafters S-76 Receiver & Windom Antenna

6/87 to 4/98- Bay Area Rapid Transit, Oakland, CA. Training Supervisor

and Senior Administrative Analyst. Retired April 1998.

BART Train at Hayward Station

8/64 to 6/87- World Airways Inc., Oakland, CA - Manager of Education & Training responsible for the coordination, planning, implementation and training of Flight Crew, Flight Attendant, Maintenance, Passenger Service, Reservations, and Management Development Training of personnel world wide.

Fellowship of Christian Airline Personnel (FCAP) 

West-coast contact and then 14 years as Webmaster for the FCAP



World Airways Boeing 747-300 Aircraft
8/52 to 8/64- Goodyear Aerospace, Akron, Ohio - Chief Electronics Technician in charge of the Flight Operations Electrical/Electronic Shops and ARINC Station facility.


Goodyear Aerospace (now Lockheed-Martin) Zeppelin Dock In Akron, Ohio

Largest internally unsupported structure in the world.

          Bay View

Roof View from W6GZG QTH looking west toward San Mateo with San Francisco Bay in the view

(Click for larger view)

Roof view from W6GZG QTH looking south to the open hills

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Revised 1/8/2025